Course curriculum

    1. Installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS Part1

    2. Installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS Part2

    3. Creating the Spatial Database

    1. Creating a Python Virtual Environment

    2. Installing and Configuring GeoDjango

    3. Installing Visual Studio Code IDE

    4. Creating the Django Base Application

    5. Testing the Django Installation

    1. Adding the Spatial Database to our Django Backend

    2. Creating a Django Admin User

    3. Creating the Model

    4. Downloading the Sample Dataset

    5. Creating the GeoAdmin and Testing the Spatial Back-End

    1. Adding the Leaflet Config Code

    2. Adding the Static Files

    3. Creating the Layout Page Part 1

    4. Creating the Layout Page Part 2

    5. Creating the Index Page

    6. Creating the Index View

    7. Modifying and Styling the Index Page

    1. Creating the Dataset API Endpoints

    2. Displaying Data on the Map

    3. Creating the Legend

    4. Creating the Bar Chart Legend

    5. Creating the Bar Chart

About this course

  • $12.99
  • 27 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

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